fix vertex deps
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#include "sandbox/sandbox.hpp"
auto main(int argc, char* args[]) -> int
decltype(auto) app = try_engine::create();
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
dependencies : deps,
cpp_args: args
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
inc += include_directories('.')
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
#include "test_panel.hpp"
namespace tr::layers
void test_panel::on_attach()
m_win.m_pos = { 212.f, 35.f };
m_win.m_size = { 720.f, 480.f };
m_win.m_name = "test_win";
void test_panel::on_detach()
void test_panel::gui_render()
if (ImGui::Button("RUN", ImVec2(28, 30)))
m_event_manager->execute(std::string("test signal key"), "value params run");
if (ImGui::Button(try_engine::style::icon::ICON_STOP, ImVec2(28, 30)))
m_event_manager->execute(std::string("test signal key"), "value params stop");
m_event_manager->execute(std::string("test signal win"), m_win);
ImGui::Text(try_engine::style::icon::ICON_PAINT_BRUSH, " Paint" );
void test_panel::on_event(system_event& e)
if (e.get_name() == try_engine::system_event::classificator::KEY_PRESSED())
auto t = static_cast<try_engine::system_event::key_pressed_event&>(e);
if (t.get_keycode() == try_engine::key::J)
hack::log()("Ok this is J");
void test_panel::on_event(std::any e, std::any value)
auto b = std::any_cast<std::string>(e);
if (b == "test signal win")
auto w = std::any_cast<win>(value);
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/try_engine.hpp"
namespace tr::layers
class test_panel : public try_engine::layer
bool m_open = true;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
headers = [
sources = [
lib = library(
include_directories : inc,
sources: [headers, sources],
dependencies : deps,
cpp_args: args
sandbox_dep = declare_dependency(
include_directories: inc,
link_with: lib,
deps += sandbox_dep
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#include "layers/test_panel/test_panel.hpp"
namespace try_engine_sandbox
class sandbox : public try_engine::application
using event_manager = try_engine::app_event::event;
sandbox(std::string app_name) : try_engine::application{ app_name } {};
~sandbox() = default;
template<typename... Args>
void push_layer(Args... args)
(args->set_event_manager(&m_event_manager), ...);
event_manager m_event_manager;
namespace try_engine
inline application& create()
static try_engine_sandbox::sandbox e{ "sandbox" };
new tr::layers::test_panel{}
return e;
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#include "application.hpp"
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine
application::application(std::string app_name)
instance = std::unique_ptr<application>(this);
m_win = std::make_unique<window>(app_name);
m_win->set_event_callback(BIND_EVENT_FN(application, on_event));
m_gui = std::make_unique<gui>();
void application::run()
for (auto l : m_layers_stack)
std::unique_ptr<window>& application::get_window()
return m_win;
std::unique_ptr<application>& application::get()
return instance;
void application::attach_layers()
for (auto l : m_layers_stack) l->on_attach();
void application::on_event(system_event::event& e)
for(const auto l : m_layers_stack) l->on_event(e);
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/window/window.hpp"
#include "try_engine/gui/gui.hpp"
#include "try_engine/layer/layer.hpp"
namespace try_engine
class application
using layers_stack = std::vector<layer*>;
virtual ~application() = default;
inline static std::unique_ptr<application> instance = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<window> m_win;
layers_stack m_layers_stack;
std::unique_ptr<gui> m_gui;
void run();
void attach_layers();
std::unique_ptr<window>& get_window();
static std::unique_ptr<application>& get();
template<typename... Args>
void push_layer(Args*... args) { (m_layers_stack.push_back(args), ...); }
void clear();
void on_event(system_event::event& e);
// реализация см. в проекте
application& create();
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <oneapi/tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include "try_engine/layer/layer.hpp"
namespace try_engine::app_event
using layers_stack = std::vector<layer*>;
class event
void set_event_callback(layer* l)
void execute(std::any type, std::any value)
for (const auto layer : l_stack)
std::thread th {
[=]() {
layer->on_event(type, value);
// tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, l_stack.size()), [&](tbb::blocked_range<int> r) {
// for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i)
// l_stack[i]->on_event(type, value);
// });
// когда нужно выполнение именно по очередности
void execute_queue(std::any type, std::any value)
for (const auto layer : l_stack)
layer->on_event(type, value);
void print_size();
layers_stack l_stack;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/classificator.hpp"
namespace try_engine::system_event
class key_event : public event
// ???
key_event(int kc) : m_keycode { kc } {}
int m_keycode;
inline int get_keycode() const { return m_keycode; }
class key_pressed_event : public key_event
key_pressed_event(int keycode) : key_event(keycode) {}
class key_released_event : public key_event
key_released_event(int keycode) : key_event(keycode) {}
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/classificator.hpp"
namespace try_engine::system_event
// class MouseMovedEvent : public Event
// {
// public:
// MouseMovedEvent(float x, float y) : m_MouseX(x), m_MouseY(y) {}
// inline float GetX() const { return m_MouseX; }
// inline float GetY() const { return m_MouseY; }
// std::string ToString() const override
// {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "MouseMovedEvent: " << m_MouseX << ", " << m_MouseY;
// return ss.str();
// }
// EVENT_CLASS_CATEGORY(EventCategoryMouse | EventCategoryInput)
// private:
// float m_MouseX, m_MouseY;
// };
// class MouseScrolledEvent : public Event
// {
// public:
// MouseScrolledEvent(float xOffset, float yOffset) : m_XOffset(xOffset), m_YOffset(yOffset) {}
// inline float GetXOffset() const { return m_XOffset; }
// inline float GetYOffset() const { return m_YOffset; }
// std::string ToString() const override
// {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "MouseScrolledEvent: " << GetXOffset() << ", " << GetYOffset();
// return ss.str();
// }
// EVENT_CLASS_TYPE(MouseScrolled)
// EVENT_CLASS_CATEGORY(EventCategoryMouse | EventCategoryInput)
// private:
// float m_XOffset, m_YOffset;
// };
// class MouseButtonEvent : public Event
// {
// public:
// inline int GetMouseButton() const { return m_Button; }
// EVENT_CLASS_CATEGORY(EventCategoryMouse | EventCategoryInput)
// protected:
// MouseButtonEvent(int button) : m_Button(button) {}
// int m_Button;
// };
// class MouseButtonPressedEvent : public MouseButtonEvent
// {
// public:
// MouseButtonPressedEvent(int button) : MouseButtonEvent(button) {}
// std::string ToString() const override
// {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "MouseButtonPressedEvent: " << m_Button;
// return ss.str();
// }
// EVENT_CLASS_TYPE(MouseButtonPressed)
// };
// class MouseButtonReleasedEvent : public MouseButtonEvent
// {
// public:
// MouseButtonReleasedEvent(int button) : MouseButtonEvent(button) {}
// std::string ToString() const override
// {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "MouseButtonReleasedEvent: " << m_Button;
// return ss.str();
// }
// EVENT_CLASS_TYPE(MouseButtonReleased)
// };
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/classificator.hpp"
namespace try_engine::system_event
class window_resize_event : public event
window_resize_event(int w, int h) : m_width { w }, m_height { h } {}
int m_width, m_height;
inline unsigned int get_width() const { return m_width; }
inline unsigned int get_height() const { return m_height; }
class window_close_event : public event
window_close_event() = default;
class window_focus_event : public event
window_focus_event(int f) : m_focused { f } {}
int m_focused;
inline int get_focused() { return m_focused; }
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine::system_event::classificator
inline std::string WINDOW_RESIZE() { return "WINDOW_RESIZE"; }
inline std::string WINDOW_CLOSE() { return "WINDOW_CLOSE"; }
inline std::string WINDOW_FOCUS() { return "WINDOW_FOCUS"; }
inline std::string KEY_PRESSED() { return "KEY_PRESSED"; }
inline std::string KEY_RELEASED() { return "KEY_RELEASED"; }
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "hack/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine::system_event
struct event
event() = default;
virtual ~event() = default;
virtual std::string get_name() const = 0;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#include "gui.hpp"
#include "style/style.hpp"
#include "try_engine/application/application.hpp"
namespace try_engine
// откуда она ???
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard;
io.IniFilename = nullptr;
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
if (io.ConfigFlags)
style.WindowRounding = 0.0f;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg].w = 1.0f;
auto& app = application::get();
GLFWwindow* window = app->get_window()->glfw_window();
ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(window, true);
ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init("#version 410");
void gui::begin_frame()
void gui::end_frame()
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
auto& app = application::get();
io.DisplaySize = ImVec2((float)app->get_window()->width(), (float)app->get_window()->height());
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine
struct win { ImVec2 m_pos { 0.f, 0.f }; ImVec2 m_size { 0.f, 0.f }; std::string m_name; };
class gui
void begin_frame();
void end_frame();
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "imgui.h"
#include "icons.hpp"
namespace try_engine::style::fonts
inline std::string font_name = "Montserrat/Montserrat-";
inline std::vector<float> font_size = { 8.f, 9.f, 10.f, 11.f, 12.f, 13.f, 14.f, 15.f, 16.f, 17.f, 18.f, 19.f, 20.f, 21.f, 22.f };
enum font_type
// эту порнографию с путями нужно решить
inline const std::string ICONS_PATH = "/mnt/raid/projects/cpp/try_engine/src/try_engine/internal/fonts/FontAwesome/forkawesome-webfont.ttf";
inline const std::string FONT_PATH = "/mnt/raid/projects/cpp/try_engine/src/try_engine/internal/fonts/";
inline std::vector<std::string> fonts_path
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Bold.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "BoldItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "ExtraBold.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "ExtraBoldItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "ExtraLight.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "ExtraLightItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Italic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Light.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "LightItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Medium.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "MediumItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Regular.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "SemiBold.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "SemiBoldItalic.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "Thin.ttf",
FONT_PATH + font_name + "ThinItalic.ttf"
inline std::map<font_type, int> font_step
{ font_type::BOLD, 0 },
{ font_type::BOLD_ITALIC, 15 },
{ font_type::EXTRA_BOLD, 30 },
{ font_type::EXTRA_BOLD_ITALIC, 45 },
{ font_type::EXTRA_LIGHT, 60 },
{ font_type::EXTRA_LIGHT_ITALIC, 75 },
{ font_type::ITALIC, 90 },
{ font_type::LIGHT, 105 },
{ font_type::LIGHT_ITALIC, 120 },
{ font_type::MEDIUM, 135 },
{ font_type::MEDIUM_ITALIC, 150 },
{ font_type::REGULAR, 165 },
{ font_type::SEMI_BOLD, 180 },
{ font_type::SEMI_BOLD_ITALIC, 195 },
{ font_type::THIN, 210 },
{ font_type::THIN_ITALIC, 225 },
{ font_type::ICON, 240 },
inline void init()
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
for (auto& p : fonts_path)
for (auto size : font_size)
io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(p.c_str(), size, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic());
// add icon font size
static const ImWchar icon_ranges[] = { ICON_MIN_FK, ICON_MAX_FK, 0 };
for (auto size : font_size)
io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(ICONS_PATH.c_str(), size, NULL, icon_ranges);
inline ImFont* get_font(font_type type = font_type::REGULAR, int size = 16)
if (size < 0) size = 8;
if (size > 33) size = 33;
size -= 8; // т.к. font_size начинается с 8.f
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImFontAtlas* atlas = io.Fonts;
auto pos = font_step[type] + size;
return atlas->Fonts[pos];
@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
// for use with
#define ICON_MIN_FK 0xf000
#define ICON_MAX_FK 0xf307
namespace try_engine::style::icon
inline const char* ICON_GLASS = "\uf000";
inline const char* ICON_MUSIC = "\uf001";
inline const char* ICON_SEARCH = "\uf002";
inline const char* ICON_ENVELOPE_O = "\uf003";
inline const char* ICON_HEART = "\uf004";
inline const char* ICON_STAR = "\uf005";
inline const char* ICON_STAR_O = "\uf006";
inline const char* ICON_USER = "\uf007";
inline const char* ICON_FILM = "\uf008";
inline const char* ICON_TH_LARGE = "\uf009";
inline const char* ICON_TH = "\uf00a";
inline const char* ICON_TH_LIST = "\uf00b";
inline const char* ICON_CHECK = "\uf00c";
inline const char* ICON_TIMES = "\uf00d";
inline const char* ICON_SEARCH_PLUS = "\uf00e";
inline const char* ICON_SEARCH_MINUS = "\uf010";
inline const char* ICON_POWER_OFF = "\uf011";
inline const char* ICON_SIGNAL = "\uf012";
inline const char* ICON_COG = "\uf013";
inline const char* ICON_TRASH_O = "\uf014";
inline const char* ICON_HOME = "\uf015";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_O = "\uf016";
inline const char* ICON_CLOCK_O = "\uf017";
inline const char* ICON_ROAD = "\uf018";
inline const char* ICON_DOWNLOAD = "\uf019";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN = "\uf01a";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_UP = "\uf01b";
inline const char* ICON_INBOX = "\uf01c";
inline const char* ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE_O = "\uf01d";
inline const char* ICON_REPEAT = "\uf01e";
inline const char* ICON_REFRESH = "\uf021";
inline const char* ICON_LIST_ALT = "\uf022";
inline const char* ICON_LOCK = "\uf023";
inline const char* ICON_FLAG = "\uf024";
inline const char* ICON_HEADPHONES = "\uf025";
inline const char* ICON_VOLUME_OFF = "\uf026";
inline const char* ICON_VOLUME_DOWN = "\uf027";
inline const char* ICON_VOLUME_UP = "\uf028";
inline const char* ICON_QRCODE = "\uf029";
inline const char* ICON_BARCODE = "\uf02a";
inline const char* ICON_TAG = "\uf02b";
inline const char* ICON_TAGS = "\uf02c";
inline const char* ICON_BOOK = "\uf02d";
inline const char* ICON_BOOKMARK = "\uf02e";
inline const char* ICON_PRINT = "\uf02f";
inline const char* ICON_CAMERA = "\uf030";
inline const char* ICON_FONT = "\uf031";
inline const char* ICON_BOLD = "\uf032";
inline const char* ICON_ITALIC = "\uf033";
inline const char* ICON_TEXT_HEIGHT = "\uf034";
inline const char* ICON_TEXT_WIDTH = "\uf035";
inline const char* ICON_ALIGN_LEFT = "\uf036";
inline const char* ICON_ALIGN_CENTER = "\uf037";
inline const char* ICON_ALIGN_RIGHT = "\uf038";
inline const char* ICON_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = "\uf039";
inline const char* ICON_LIST = "\uf03a";
inline const char* ICON_OUTDENT = "\uf03b";
inline const char* ICON_INDENT = "\uf03c";
inline const char* ICON_VIDEO_CAMERA = "\uf03d";
inline const char* ICON_PICTURE_O = "\uf03e";
inline const char* ICON_PENCIL = "\uf040";
inline const char* ICON_MAP_MARKER = "\uf041";
inline const char* ICON_ADJUST = "\uf042";
inline const char* ICON_TINT = "\uf043";
inline const char* ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE_O = "\uf044";
inline const char* ICON_SHARE_SQUARE_O = "\uf045";
inline const char* ICON_CHECK_SQUARE_O = "\uf046";
inline const char* ICON_ARROWS = "\uf047";
inline const char* ICON_STEP_BACKWARD = "\uf048";
inline const char* ICON_FAST_BACKWARD = "\uf049";
inline const char* ICON_BACKWARD = "\uf04a";
inline const char* ICON_PLAY = "\uf04b";
inline const char* ICON_PAUSE = "\uf04c";
inline const char* ICON_STOP = "\uf04d";
inline const char* ICON_FORWARD = "\uf04e";
inline const char* ICON_FAST_FORWARD = "\uf050";
inline const char* ICON_STEP_FORWARD = "\uf051";
inline const char* ICON_EJECT = "\uf052";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_LEFT = "\uf053";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT = "\uf054";
inline const char* ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE = "\uf055";
inline const char* ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE = "\uf056";
inline const char* ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE = "\uf057";
inline const char* ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE = "\uf058";
inline const char* ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE = "\uf059";
inline const char* ICON_INFO_CIRCLE = "\uf05a";
inline const char* ICON_CROSSHAIRS = "\uf05b";
inline const char* ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE_O = "\uf05c";
inline const char* ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE_O = "\uf05d";
inline const char* ICON_BAN = "\uf05e";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_LEFT = "\uf060";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_RIGHT = "\uf061";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_UP = "\uf062";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_DOWN = "\uf063";
inline const char* ICON_SHARE = "\uf064";
inline const char* ICON_EXPAND = "\uf065";
inline const char* ICON_COMPRESS = "\uf066";
inline const char* ICON_PLUS = "\uf067";
inline const char* ICON_MINUS = "\uf068";
inline const char* ICON_ASTERISK = "\uf069";
inline const char* ICON_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE = "\uf06a";
inline const char* ICON_GIFT = "\uf06b";
inline const char* ICON_LEAF = "\uf06c";
inline const char* ICON_FIRE = "\uf06d";
inline const char* ICON_EYE = "\uf06e";
inline const char* ICON_EYE_SLASH = "\uf070";
inline const char* ICON_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE = "\uf071";
inline const char* ICON_PLANE = "\uf072";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR = "\uf073";
inline const char* ICON_RANDOM = "\uf074";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENT = "\uf075";
inline const char* ICON_MAGNET = "\uf076";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_UP = "\uf077";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_DOWN = "\uf078";
inline const char* ICON_RETWEET = "\uf079";
inline const char* ICON_SHOPPING_CART = "\uf07a";
inline const char* ICON_FOLDER = "\uf07b";
inline const char* ICON_FOLDER_OPEN = "\uf07c";
inline const char* ICON_ARROWS_V = "\uf07d";
inline const char* ICON_ARROWS_H = "\uf07e";
inline const char* ICON_BAR_CHART = "\uf080";
inline const char* ICON_TWITTER_SQUARE = "\uf081";
inline const char* ICON_FACEBOOK_SQUARE = "\uf082";
inline const char* ICON_CAMERA_RETRO = "\uf083";
inline const char* ICON_KEY = "\uf084";
inline const char* ICON_COGS = "\uf085";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENTS = "\uf086";
inline const char* ICON_THUMBS_O_UP = "\uf087";
inline const char* ICON_THUMBS_O_DOWN = "\uf088";
inline const char* ICON_STAR_HALF = "\uf089";
inline const char* ICON_HEART_O = "\uf08a";
inline const char* ICON_SIGN_OUT = "\uf08b";
inline const char* ICON_LINKEDIN_SQUARE = "\uf08c";
inline const char* ICON_THUMB_TACK = "\uf08d";
inline const char* ICON_INLINEAL_LINK = "\uf08e";
inline const char* ICON_SIGN_IN = "\uf090";
inline const char* ICON_TROPHY = "\uf091";
inline const char* ICON_GITHUB_SQUARE = "\uf092";
inline const char* ICON_UPLOAD = "\uf093";
inline const char* ICON_LEMON_O = "\uf094";
inline const char* ICON_PHONE = "\uf095";
inline const char* ICON_SQUARE_O = "\uf096";
inline const char* ICON_BOOKMARK_O = "\uf097";
inline const char* ICON_PHONE_SQUARE = "\uf098";
inline const char* ICON_TWITTER = "\uf099";
inline const char* ICON_FACEBOOK = "\uf09a";
inline const char* ICON_GITHUB = "\uf09b";
inline const char* ICON_UNLOCK = "\uf09c";
inline const char* ICON_CREDIT_CARD = "\uf09d";
inline const char* ICON_RSS = "\uf09e";
inline const char* ICON_HDD_O = "\uf0a0";
inline const char* ICON_BULLHORN = "\uf0a1";
inline const char* ICON_BELL = "\uf0f3";
inline const char* ICON_CERTIFICATE = "\uf0a3";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_O_RIGHT = "\uf0a4";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_O_LEFT = "\uf0a5";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_O_UP = "\uf0a6";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_O_DOWN = "\uf0a7";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT = "\uf0a8";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT = "\uf0a9";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP = "\uf0aa";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN = "\uf0ab";
inline const char* ICON_GLOBE = "\uf0ac";
inline const char* ICON_GLOBE_E = "\uf304";
inline const char* ICON_GLOBE_W = "\uf305";
inline const char* ICON_WRENCH = "\uf0ad";
inline const char* ICON_TASKS = "\uf0ae";
inline const char* ICON_FILTER = "\uf0b0";
inline const char* ICON_BRIEFCASE = "\uf0b1";
inline const char* ICON_ARROWS_ALT = "\uf0b2";
inline const char* ICON_USERS = "\uf0c0";
inline const char* ICON_LINK = "\uf0c1";
inline const char* ICON_CLOUD = "\uf0c2";
inline const char* ICON_FLASK = "\uf0c3";
inline const char* ICON_SCISSORS = "\uf0c4";
inline const char* ICON_FILES_O = "\uf0c5";
inline const char* ICON_PAPERCLIP = "\uf0c6";
inline const char* ICON_FLOPPY_O = "\uf0c7";
inline const char* ICON_SQUARE = "\uf0c8";
inline const char* ICON_BARS = "\uf0c9";
inline const char* ICON_LIST_UL = "\uf0ca";
inline const char* ICON_LIST_OL = "\uf0cb";
inline const char* ICON_STRIKETHROUGH = "\uf0cc";
inline const char* ICON_UNDERLINE = "\uf0cd";
inline const char* ICON_TABLE = "\uf0ce";
inline const char* ICON_MAGIC = "\uf0d0";
inline const char* ICON_TRUCK = "\uf0d1";
inline const char* ICON_PINTEREST = "\uf0d2";
inline const char* ICON_PINTEREST_SQUARE = "\uf0d3";
inline const char* ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE = "\uf0d4";
inline const char* ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS = "\uf0d5";
inline const char* ICON_MONEY = "\uf0d6";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_DOWN = "\uf0d7";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_UP = "\uf0d8";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_LEFT = "\uf0d9";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_RIGHT = "\uf0da";
inline const char* ICON_COLUMNS = "\uf0db";
inline const char* ICON_SORT = "\uf0dc";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_DESC = "\uf0dd";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_ASC = "\uf0de";
inline const char* ICON_ENVELOPE = "\uf0e0";
inline const char* ICON_LINKEDIN = "\uf0e1";
inline const char* ICON_UNDO = "\uf0e2";
inline const char* ICON_GAVEL = "\uf0e3";
inline const char* ICON_TACHOMETER = "\uf0e4";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENT_O = "\uf0e5";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENTS_O = "\uf0e6";
inline const char* ICON_BOLT = "\uf0e7";
inline const char* ICON_SITEMAP = "\uf0e8";
inline const char* ICON_UMBRELLA = "\uf0e9";
inline const char* ICON_CLIPBOARD = "\uf0ea";
inline const char* ICON_LIGHTBULB_O = "\uf0eb";
inline const char* ICON_EXCHANGE = "\uf0ec";
inline const char* ICON_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD = "\uf0ed";
inline const char* ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD = "\uf0ee";
inline const char* ICON_USER_MD = "\uf0f0";
inline const char* ICON_STETHOSCOPE = "\uf0f1";
inline const char* ICON_SUITCASE = "\uf0f2";
inline const char* ICON_BELL_O = "\uf0a2";
inline const char* ICON_COFFEE = "\uf0f4";
inline const char* ICON_CUTLERY = "\uf0f5";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_TEXT_O = "\uf0f6";
inline const char* ICON_BUILDING_O = "\uf0f7";
inline const char* ICON_HOSPITAL_O = "\uf0f8";
inline const char* ICON_AMBULANCE = "\uf0f9";
inline const char* ICON_MEDKIT = "\uf0fa";
inline const char* ICON_FIGHTER_JET = "\uf0fb";
inline const char* ICON_BEER = "\uf0fc";
inline const char* ICON_H_SQUARE = "\uf0fd";
inline const char* ICON_PLUS_SQUARE = "\uf0fe";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_LEFT = "\uf100";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_RIGHT = "\uf101";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_UP = "\uf102";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_DOWN = "\uf103";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_LEFT = "\uf104";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_RIGHT = "\uf105";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_UP = "\uf106";
inline const char* ICON_ANGLE_DOWN = "\uf107";
inline const char* ICON_DESKTOP = "\uf108";
inline const char* ICON_LAPTOP = "\uf109";
inline const char* ICON_TABLET = "\uf10a";
inline const char* ICON_MOBILE = "\uf10b";
inline const char* ICON_CIRCLE_O = "\uf10c";
inline const char* ICON_QUOTE_LEFT = "\uf10d";
inline const char* ICON_QUOTE_RIGHT = "\uf10e";
inline const char* ICON_SPINNER = "\uf110";
inline const char* ICON_CIRCLE = "\uf111";
inline const char* ICON_REPLY = "\uf112";
inline const char* ICON_GITHUB_ALT = "\uf113";
inline const char* ICON_FOLDER_O = "\uf114";
inline const char* ICON_FOLDER_OPEN_O = "\uf115";
inline const char* ICON_SMILE_O = "\uf118";
inline const char* ICON_FROWN_O = "\uf119";
inline const char* ICON_MEH_O = "\uf11a";
inline const char* ICON_GAMEPAD = "\uf11b";
inline const char* ICON_KEYBOARD_O = "\uf11c";
inline const char* ICON_FLAG_O = "\uf11d";
inline const char* ICON_FLAG_CHECKERED = "\uf11e";
inline const char* ICON_TERMINAL = "\uf120";
inline const char* ICON_CODE = "\uf121";
inline const char* ICON_REPLY_ALL = "\uf122";
inline const char* ICON_STAR_HALF_O = "\uf123";
inline const char* ICON_LOCATION_ARROW = "\uf124";
inline const char* ICON_CROP = "\uf125";
inline const char* ICON_CODE_FORK = "\uf126";
inline const char* ICON_CHAIN_BROKEN = "\uf127";
inline const char* ICON_QUESTION = "\uf128";
inline const char* ICON_INFO = "\uf129";
inline const char* ICON_EXCLAMATION = "\uf12a";
inline const char* ICON_SUPERSCRIPT = "\uf12b";
inline const char* ICON_SUBSCRIPT = "\uf12c";
inline const char* ICON_ERASER = "\uf12d";
inline const char* ICON_PUZZLE_PIECE = "\uf12e";
inline const char* ICON_MICROPHONE = "\uf130";
inline const char* ICON_MICROPHONE_SLASH = "\uf131";
inline const char* ICON_SHIELD = "\uf132";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR_O = "\uf133";
inline const char* ICON_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER = "\uf134";
inline const char* ICON_ROCKET = "\uf135";
inline const char* ICON_MAXCDN = "\uf136";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_LEFT = "\uf137";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_RIGHT = "\uf138";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_UP = "\uf139";
inline const char* ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_DOWN = "\uf13a";
inline const char* ICON_HTML5 = "\uf13b";
inline const char* ICON_CSS3 = "\uf13c";
inline const char* ICON_ANCHOR = "\uf13d";
inline const char* ICON_UNLOCK_ALT = "\uf13e";
inline const char* ICON_BULLSEYE = "\uf140";
inline const char* ICON_ELLIPSIS_H = "\uf141";
inline const char* ICON_ELLIPSIS_V = "\uf142";
inline const char* ICON_RSS_SQUARE = "\uf143";
inline const char* ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE = "\uf144";
inline const char* ICON_TICKET = "\uf145";
inline const char* ICON_MINUS_SQUARE = "\uf146";
inline const char* ICON_MINUS_SQUARE_O = "\uf147";
inline const char* ICON_LEVEL_UP = "\uf148";
inline const char* ICON_LEVEL_DOWN = "\uf149";
inline const char* ICON_CHECK_SQUARE = "\uf14a";
inline const char* ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE = "\uf14b";
inline const char* ICON_inlineAL_LINK_SQUARE = "\uf14c";
inline const char* ICON_SHARE_SQUARE = "\uf14d";
inline const char* ICON_COMPASS = "\uf14e";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_DOWN = "\uf150";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_UP = "\uf151";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_RIGHT = "\uf152";
inline const char* ICON_EUR = "\uf153";
inline const char* ICON_GBP = "\uf154";
inline const char* ICON_USD = "\uf155";
inline const char* ICON_INR = "\uf156";
inline const char* ICON_JPY = "\uf157";
inline const char* ICON_RUB = "\uf158";
inline const char* ICON_KRW = "\uf159";
inline const char* ICON_BTC = "\uf15a";
inline const char* ICON_FILE = "\uf15b";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_TEXT = "\uf15c";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_ALPHA_ASC = "\uf15d";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_ALPHA_DESC = "\uf15e";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_ASC = "\uf160";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_DESC = "\uf161";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_ASC = "\uf162";
inline const char* ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_DESC = "\uf163";
inline const char* ICON_THUMBS_UP = "\uf164";
inline const char* ICON_THUMBS_DOWN = "\uf165";
inline const char* ICON_YOUTUBE_SQUARE = "\uf166";
inline const char* ICON_YOUTUBE = "\uf167";
inline const char* ICON_XING = "\uf168";
inline const char* ICON_XING_SQUARE = "\uf169";
inline const char* ICON_YOUTUBE_PLAY = "\uf16a";
inline const char* ICON_DROPBOX = "\uf16b";
inline const char* ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW = "\uf16c";
inline const char* ICON_INSTAGRAM = "\uf16d";
inline const char* ICON_FLICKR = "\uf16e";
inline const char* ICON_ADN = "\uf170";
inline const char* ICON_BITBUCKET = "\uf171";
inline const char* ICON_BITBUCKET_SQUARE = "\uf172";
inline const char* ICON_TUMBLR = "\uf173";
inline const char* ICON_TUMBLR_SQUARE = "\uf174";
inline const char* ICON_LONG_ARROW_DOWN = "\uf175";
inline const char* ICON_LONG_ARROW_UP = "\uf176";
inline const char* ICON_LONG_ARROW_LEFT = "\uf177";
inline const char* ICON_LONG_ARROW_RIGHT = "\uf178";
inline const char* ICON_APPLE = "\uf179";
inline const char* ICON_PROJECTS = "\uf17a";
inline const char* ICON_ANDROID = "\uf17b";
inline const char* ICON_LINUX = "\uf17c";
inline const char* ICON_DRIBBBLE = "\uf17d";
inline const char* ICON_SKYPE = "\uf17e";
inline const char* ICON_FOURSQUARE = "\uf180";
inline const char* ICON_TRELLO = "\uf181";
inline const char* ICON_FEMALE = "\uf182";
inline const char* ICON_MALE = "\uf183";
inline const char* ICON_GRATIPAY = "\uf184";
inline const char* ICON_SUN_O = "\uf185";
inline const char* ICON_MOON_O = "\uf186";
inline const char* ICON_ARCHIVE = "\uf187";
inline const char* ICON_BUG = "\uf188";
inline const char* ICON_VK = "\uf189";
inline const char* ICON_WEIBO = "\uf18a";
inline const char* ICON_RENREN = "\uf18b";
inline const char* ICON_PAGELINES = "\uf18c";
inline const char* ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE = "\uf18d";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_RIGHT = "\uf18e";
inline const char* ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_LEFT = "\uf190";
inline const char* ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_LEFT = "\uf191";
inline const char* ICON_DOT_CIRCLE_O = "\uf192";
inline const char* ICON_WHEELCHAIR = "\uf193";
inline const char* ICON_VIMEO_SQUARE = "\uf194";
inline const char* ICON_TRY = "\uf195";
inline const char* ICON_PLUS_SQUARE_O = "\uf196";
inline const char* ICON_SPACE_SHUTTLE = "\uf197";
inline const char* ICON_SLACK = "\uf198";
inline const char* ICON_ENVELOPE_SQUARE = "\uf199";
inline const char* ICON_WORDPRESS = "\uf19a";
inline const char* ICON_OPENID = "\uf19b";
inline const char* ICON_UNIVERSITY = "\uf19c";
inline const char* ICON_GRADUATION_CAP = "\uf19d";
inline const char* ICON_YAHOO = "\uf19e";
inline const char* ICON_GOOGLE = "\uf1a0";
inline const char* ICON_REDDIT = "\uf1a1";
inline const char* ICON_REDDIT_SQUARE = "\uf1a2";
inline const char* ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE = "\uf1a3";
inline const char* ICON_STUMBLEUPON = "\uf1a4";
inline const char* ICON_DELICIOUS = "\uf1a5";
inline const char* ICON_DIGG = "\uf1a6";
inline const char* ICON_DRUPAL = "\uf1a9";
inline const char* ICON_JOOMLA = "\uf1aa";
inline const char* ICON_LANGUAGE = "\uf1ab";
inline const char* ICON_FAX = "\uf1ac";
inline const char* ICON_BUILDING = "\uf1ad";
inline const char* ICON_CHILD = "\uf1ae";
inline const char* ICON_PAW = "\uf1b0";
inline const char* ICON_SPOON = "\uf1b1";
inline const char* ICON_CUBE = "\uf1b2";
inline const char* ICON_CUBES = "\uf1b3";
inline const char* ICON_BEHANCE = "\uf1b4";
inline const char* ICON_BEHANCE_SQUARE = "\uf1b5";
inline const char* ICON_STEAM = "\uf1b6";
inline const char* ICON_STEAM_SQUARE = "\uf1b7";
inline const char* ICON_RECYCLE = "\uf1b8";
inline const char* ICON_CAR = "\uf1b9";
inline const char* ICON_TAXI = "\uf1ba";
inline const char* ICON_TREE = "\uf1bb";
inline const char* ICON_SPOTIFY = "\uf1bc";
inline const char* ICON_DEVIANTART = "\uf1bd";
inline const char* ICON_SOUNDCLOUD = "\uf1be";
inline const char* ICON_DATABASE = "\uf1c0";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_PDF_O = "\uf1c1";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_WORD_O = "\uf1c2";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_EXCEL_O = "\uf1c3";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_POWERPOINT_O = "\uf1c4";
inline const char* ICON_SAVE = "\uf0c7";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_IMAGE_O = "\uf1c5";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_ARCHIVE_O = "\uf1c6";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_AUDIO_O = "\uf1c7";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_VIDEO_O = "\uf1c8";
inline const char* ICON_FILE_CODE_O = "\uf1c9";
inline const char* ICON_VINE = "\uf1ca";
inline const char* ICON_CODEPEN = "\uf1cb";
inline const char* ICON_JSFIDDLE = "\uf1cc";
inline const char* ICON_LIFE_RING = "\uf1cd";
inline const char* ICON_CIRCLE_O_NOTCH = "\uf1ce";
inline const char* ICON_REBEL = "\uf1d0";
inline const char* ICON_EMPIRE = "\uf1d1";
inline const char* ICON_GIT_SQUARE = "\uf1d2";
inline const char* ICON_GIT = "\uf1d3";
inline const char* ICON_HACKER_NEWS = "\uf1d4";
inline const char* ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO = "\uf1d5";
inline const char* ICON_QQ = "\uf1d6";
inline const char* ICON_WEIXIN = "\uf1d7";
inline const char* ICON_PAPER_PLANE = "\uf1d8";
inline const char* ICON_PAPER_PLANE_O = "\uf1d9";
inline const char* ICON_HISTORY = "\uf1da";
inline const char* ICON_CIRCLE_THIN = "\uf1db";
inline const char* ICON_HEADER = "\uf1dc";
inline const char* ICON_PARAGRAPH = "\uf1dd";
inline const char* ICON_SLIDERS = "\uf1de";
inline const char* ICON_SHARE_ALT = "\uf1e0";
inline const char* ICON_SHARE_ALT_SQUARE = "\uf1e1";
inline const char* ICON_BOMB = "\uf1e2";
inline const char* ICON_FUTBOL_O = "\uf1e3";
inline const char* ICON_TTY = "\uf1e4";
inline const char* ICON_BINOCULARS = "\uf1e5";
inline const char* ICON_PLUG = "\uf1e6";
inline const char* ICON_SLIDESHARE = "\uf1e7";
inline const char* ICON_TWITCH = "\uf1e8";
inline const char* ICON_YELP = "\uf1e9";
inline const char* ICON_NEWSPAPER_O = "\uf1ea";
inline const char* ICON_WIFI = "\uf1eb";
inline const char* ICON_CALCULATOR = "\uf1ec";
inline const char* ICON_PAYPAL = "\uf1ed";
inline const char* ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET = "\uf1ee";
inline const char* ICON_CC_VISA = "\uf1f0";
inline const char* ICON_CC_MASTERCARD = "\uf1f1";
inline const char* ICON_CC_DISCOVER = "\uf1f2";
inline const char* ICON_CC_AMEX = "\uf1f3";
inline const char* ICON_CC_PAYPAL = "\uf1f4";
inline const char* ICON_CC_STRIPE = "\uf1f5";
inline const char* ICON_BELL_SLASH = "\uf1f6";
inline const char* ICON_BELL_SLASH_O = "\uf1f7";
inline const char* ICON_TRASH = "\uf1f8";
inline const char* ICON_COPYRIGHT = "\uf1f9";
inline const char* ICON_AT = "\uf1fa";
inline const char* ICON_EYEDROPPER = "\uf1fb";
inline const char* ICON_PAINT_BRUSH = "\uf1fc";
inline const char* ICON_BIRTHDAY_CAKE = "\uf1fd";
inline const char* ICON_AREA_CHART = "\uf1fe";
inline const char* ICON_PIE_CHART = "\uf200";
inline const char* ICON_LINE_CHART = "\uf201";
inline const char* ICON_LASTFM = "\uf202";
inline const char* ICON_LASTFM_SQUARE = "\uf203";
inline const char* ICON_TOGGLE_OFF = "\uf204";
inline const char* ICON_TOGGLE_ON = "\uf205";
inline const char* ICON_BICYCLE = "\uf206";
inline const char* ICON_BUS = "\uf207";
inline const char* ICON_IOXHOST = "\uf208";
inline const char* ICON_ANGELLIST = "\uf209";
inline const char* ICON_CC = "\uf20a";
inline const char* ICON_ILS = "\uf20b";
inline const char* ICON_MEANPATH = "\uf20c";
inline const char* ICON_BUYSELLADS = "\uf20d";
inline const char* ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP = "\uf20e";
inline const char* ICON_DASHCUBE = "\uf210";
inline const char* ICON_FORUMBEE = "\uf211";
inline const char* ICON_LEANPUB = "\uf212";
inline const char* ICON_SELLSY = "\uf213";
inline const char* ICON_SHIRTSINBULK = "\uf214";
inline const char* ICON_SIMPLYBUILT = "\uf215";
inline const char* ICON_SKYATLAS = "\uf216";
inline const char* ICON_CART_PLUS = "\uf217";
inline const char* ICON_CART_ARROW_DOWN = "\uf218";
inline const char* ICON_DIAMOND = "\uf219";
inline const char* ICON_SHIP = "\uf21a";
inline const char* ICON_USER_SECRET = "\uf21b";
inline const char* ICON_MOTORCYCLE = "\uf21c";
inline const char* ICON_STREET_VIEW = "\uf21d";
inline const char* ICON_HEARTBEAT = "\uf21e";
inline const char* ICON_VENUS = "\uf221";
inline const char* ICON_MARS = "\uf222";
inline const char* ICON_MERCURY = "\uf223";
inline const char* ICON_TRANSGENDER = "\uf224";
inline const char* ICON_TRANSGENDER_ALT = "\uf225";
inline const char* ICON_VENUS_DOUBLE = "\uf226";
inline const char* ICON_MARS_DOUBLE = "\uf227";
inline const char* ICON_VENUS_MARS = "\uf228";
inline const char* ICON_MARS_STROKE = "\uf229";
inline const char* ICON_MARS_STROKE_V = "\uf22a";
inline const char* ICON_MARS_STROKE_H = "\uf22b";
inline const char* ICON_NEUTER = "\uf22c";
inline const char* ICON_GENDERLESS = "\uf22d";
inline const char* ICON_FACEBOOK_OFFICIAL = "\uf230";
inline const char* ICON_PINTEREST_P = "\uf231";
inline const char* ICON_WHATSAPP = "\uf232";
inline const char* ICON_SERVER = "\uf233";
inline const char* ICON_USER_PLUS = "\uf234";
inline const char* ICON_USER_TIMES = "\uf235";
inline const char* ICON_BED = "\uf236";
inline const char* ICON_VIACOIN = "\uf237";
inline const char* ICON_TRAIN = "\uf238";
inline const char* ICON_SUBWAY = "\uf239";
inline const char* ICON_MEDIUM = "\uf23a";
inline const char* ICON_MEDIUM_SQUARE = "\uf2f8";
inline const char* ICON_Y_COMBINATOR = "\uf23b";
inline const char* ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER = "\uf23c";
inline const char* ICON_OPENCART = "\uf23d";
inline const char* ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL = "\uf23e";
inline const char* ICON_BATTERY_FULL = "\uf240";
inline const char* ICON_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS = "\uf241";
inline const char* ICON_BATTERY_HALF = "\uf242";
inline const char* ICON_BATTERY_QUARTER = "\uf243";
inline const char* ICON_BATTERY_EMPTY = "\uf244";
inline const char* ICON_MOUSE_POINTER = "\uf245";
inline const char* ICON_I_CURSOR = "\uf246";
inline const char* ICON_OBJECT_GROUP = "\uf247";
inline const char* ICON_OBJECT_UNGROUP = "\uf248";
inline const char* ICON_STICKY_NOTE = "\uf249";
inline const char* ICON_STICKY_NOTE_O = "\uf24a";
inline const char* ICON_CC_JCB = "\uf24b";
inline const char* ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB = "\uf24c";
inline const char* ICON_CLONE = "\uf24d";
inline const char* ICON_BALANCE_SCALE = "\uf24e";
inline const char* ICON_HOURGLASS_O = "\uf250";
inline const char* ICON_HOURGLASS_START = "\uf251";
inline const char* ICON_HOURGLASS_HALF = "\uf252";
inline const char* ICON_HOURGLASS_END = "\uf253";
inline const char* ICON_HOURGLASS = "\uf254";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_ROCK_O = "\uf255";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_PAPER_O = "\uf256";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_SCISSORS_O = "\uf257";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_LIZARD_O = "\uf258";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_SPOCK_O = "\uf259";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_POINTER_O = "\uf25a";
inline const char* ICON_HAND_PEACE_O = "\uf25b";
inline const char* ICON_TRADEMARK = "\uf25c";
inline const char* ICON_REGISTERED = "\uf25d";
inline const char* ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS = "\uf25e";
inline const char* ICON_GG = "\uf260";
inline const char* ICON_GG_CIRCLE = "\uf261";
inline const char* ICON_TRIPADVISOR = "\uf262";
inline const char* ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI = "\uf263";
inline const char* ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE = "\uf264";
inline const char* ICON_GET_POCKET = "\uf265";
inline const char* ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W = "\uf266";
inline const char* ICON_SAFARI = "\uf267";
inline const char* ICON_CHROME = "\uf268";
inline const char* ICON_FIREFOX = "\uf269";
inline const char* ICON_OPERA = "\uf26a";
inline const char* ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER = "\uf26b";
inline const char* ICON_TELEVISION = "\uf26c";
inline const char* ICON_CONTAO = "\uf26d";
inline const char* ICON_500PX = "\uf26e";
inline const char* ICON_AMAZON = "\uf270";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR_PLUS_O = "\uf271";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR_MINUS_O = "\uf272";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR_TIMES_O = "\uf273";
inline const char* ICON_CALENDAR_CHECK_O = "\uf274";
inline const char* ICON_INDUSTRY = "\uf275";
inline const char* ICON_MAP_PIN = "\uf276";
inline const char* ICON_MAP_SIGNS = "\uf277";
inline const char* ICON_MAP_O = "\uf278";
inline const char* ICON_MAP = "\uf279";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENTING = "\uf27a";
inline const char* ICON_COMMENTING_O = "\uf27b";
inline const char* ICON_HOUZZ = "\uf27c";
inline const char* ICON_VIMEO = "\uf27d";
inline const char* ICON_BLACK_TIE = "\uf27e";
inline const char* ICON_FONTICONS = "\uf280";
inline const char* ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN = "\uf281";
inline const char* ICON_EDGE = "\uf282";
inline const char* ICON_CREDIT_CARD_ALT = "\uf283";
inline const char* ICON_CODIEPIE = "\uf284";
inline const char* ICON_MODX = "\uf285";
inline const char* ICON_FORT_AWESOME = "\uf286";
inline const char* ICON_USB = "\uf287";
inline const char* ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT = "\uf288";
inline const char* ICON_MIXCLOUD = "\uf289";
inline const char* ICON_SCRIBD = "\uf28a";
inline const char* ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE = "\uf28b";
inline const char* ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE_O = "\uf28c";
inline const char* ICON_STOP_CIRCLE = "\uf28d";
inline const char* ICON_STOP_CIRCLE_O = "\uf28e";
inline const char* ICON_SHOPPING_BAG = "\uf290";
inline const char* ICON_SHOPPING_BASKET = "\uf291";
inline const char* ICON_HASHTAG = "\uf292";
inline const char* ICON_BLUETOOTH = "\uf293";
inline const char* ICON_BLUETOOTH_B = "\uf294";
inline const char* ICON_PERCENT = "\uf295";
inline const char* ICON_GITLAB = "\uf296";
inline const char* ICON_WPBEGINNER = "\uf297";
inline const char* ICON_WPFORMS = "\uf298";
inline const char* ICON_ENVIRA = "\uf299";
inline const char* ICON_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS = "\uf29a";
inline const char* ICON_WHEELCHAIR_ALT = "\uf29b";
inline const char* ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE_O = "\uf29c";
inline const char* ICON_BLIND = "\uf29d";
inline const char* ICON_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION = "\uf29e";
inline const char* ICON_VOLUME_CONTROL_PHONE = "\uf2a0";
inline const char* ICON_BRAILLE = "\uf2a1";
inline const char* ICON_ASSISTIVE_LISTENING_SYSTEMS = "\uf2a2";
inline const char* ICON_DEAF = "\uf2a4";
inline const char* ICON_GLIDE = "\uf2a5";
inline const char* ICON_GLIDE_G = "\uf2a6";
inline const char* ICON_SIGN_LANGUAGE = "\uf2a7";
inline const char* ICON_LOW_VISION = "\uf2a8";
inline const char* ICON_VIADEO = "\uf2a9";
inline const char* ICON_VIADEO_SQUARE = "\uf2aa";
inline const char* ICON_SNAPCHAT = "\uf2ab";
inline const char* ICON_SNAPCHAT_GHOST = "\uf2ac";
inline const char* ICON_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE = "\uf2ad";
inline const char* ICON_FIRST_ORDER = "\uf2b0";
inline const char* ICON_YOAST = "\uf2b1";
inline const char* ICON_THEMEISLE = "\uf2b2";
inline const char* ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_OFFICIAL = "\uf2b3";
inline const char* ICON_FONT_AWESOME = "\uf2b4";
inline const char* ICON_HANDSHAKE_O = "\uf2b5";
inline const char* ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN = "\uf2b6";
inline const char* ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN_O = "\uf2b7";
inline const char* ICON_LINODE = "\uf2b8";
inline const char* ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK = "\uf2b9";
inline const char* ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK_O = "\uf2ba";
inline const char* ICON_ADDRESS_CARD = "\uf2bb";
inline const char* ICON_ADDRESS_CARD_O = "\uf2bc";
inline const char* ICON_USER_CIRCLE = "\uf2bd";
inline const char* ICON_USER_CIRCLE_O = "\uf2be";
inline const char* ICON_USER_O = "\uf2c0";
inline const char* ICON_ID_BADGE = "\uf2c1";
inline const char* ICON_ID_CARD = "\uf2c2";
inline const char* ICON_ID_CARD_O = "\uf2c3";
inline const char* ICON_QUORA = "\uf2c4";
inline const char* ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP = "\uf2c5";
inline const char* ICON_TELEGRAM = "\uf2c6";
inline const char* ICON_THERMOMETER_FULL = "\uf2c7";
inline const char* ICON_THERMOMETER_THREE_QUARTERS = "\uf2c8";
inline const char* ICON_THERMOMETER_HALF = "\uf2c9";
inline const char* ICON_THERMOMETER_QUARTER = "\uf2ca";
inline const char* ICON_THERMOMETER_EMPTY = "\uf2cb";
inline const char* ICON_SHOWER = "\uf2cc";
inline const char* ICON_BATH = "\uf2cd";
inline const char* ICON_PODCAST = "\uf2ce";
inline const char* ICON_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE = "\uf2d0";
inline const char* ICON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE = "\uf2d1";
inline const char* ICON_WINDOW_RESTORE = "\uf2d2";
inline const char* ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE = "\uf2d3";
inline const char* ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE_O = "\uf2d4";
inline const char* ICON_BANDCAMP = "\uf2d5";
inline const char* ICON_GRAV = "\uf2d6";
inline const char* ICON_ETSY = "\uf2d7";
inline const char* ICON_IMDB = "\uf2d8";
inline const char* ICON_RAVELRY = "\uf2d9";
inline const char* ICON_EERCAST = "\uf2da";
inline const char* ICON_MICROCHIP = "\uf2db";
inline const char* ICON_SNOWFLAKE_O = "\uf2dc";
inline const char* ICON_SUPERPOWERS = "\uf2dd";
inline const char* ICON_WPEXPLORER = "\uf2de";
inline const char* ICON_MEETUP = "\uf2e0";
inline const char* ICON_MASTODON = "\uf2e1";
inline const char* ICON_MASTODON_ALT = "\uf2e2";
inline const char* ICON_FORK_AWESOME = "\uf2e3";
inline const char* ICON_PEERTUBE = "\uf2e4";
inline const char* ICON_DIASPORA = "\uf2e5";
inline const char* ICON_FRIENDICA = "\uf2e6";
inline const char* ICON_GNU_SOCIAL = "\uf2e7";
inline const char* ICON_LIBERAPAY_SQUARE = "\uf2e8";
inline const char* ICON_LIBERAPAY = "\uf2e9";
inline const char* ICON_SCUTTLEBUTT = "\uf2ea";
inline const char* ICON_HUBZILLA = "\uf2eb";
inline const char* ICON_SOCIAL_HOME = "\uf2ec";
inline const char* ICON_ARTSTATION = "\uf2ed";
inline const char* ICON_DISCORD = "\uf2ee";
inline const char* ICON_DISCORD_ALT = "\uf2ef";
inline const char* ICON_PATREON = "\uf2f0";
inline const char* ICON_SNOWDRIFT = "\uf2f1";
inline const char* ICON_ACTIVITYPUB = "\uf2f2";
inline const char* ICON_ETHEREUM = "\uf2f3";
inline const char* ICON_KEYBASE = "\uf2f4";
inline const char* ICON_SHAARLI = "\uf2f5";
inline const char* ICON_SHAARLI_O = "\uf2f6";
inline const char* ICON_KEY_MODERN = "\uf2f7";
inline const char* ICON_XMPP = "\uf2f9";
inline const char* ICON_ARCHIVE_ORG = "\uf2fc";
inline const char* ICON_FREEDOMBOX = "\uf2fd";
inline const char* ICON_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER = "\uf2fe";
inline const char* ICON_DEBIAN = "\uf2ff";
inline const char* ICON_MASTODON_SQUARE = "\uf300";
inline const char* ICON_TIPEEE = "\uf301";
inline const char* ICON_REACT = "\uf302";
inline const char* ICON_DOGMAZIC = "\uf303";
inline const char* ICON_NEXTCLOUD = "\uf306";
inline const char* ICON_NEXTCLOUD_SQUARE = "\uf307";
} // namespace Icon
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h"
#include "icons.hpp"
#include "fonts.hpp"
namespace try_engine::style
inline void init()
/* use this - */
ImGuiStyle& st = ImGui::GetStyle();
st.WindowPadding = ImVec2(5.0f, 5.0f);
st.WindowRounding = 0.0f;
st.FramePadding = ImVec2(5.0f, 5.0f);
st.FrameRounding = 0.0f;
st.ItemSpacing = ImVec2(8.0f, 8.0f);
st.ItemInnerSpacing = ImVec2(8.0f, 6.0f);
st.IndentSpacing = 25.0f;
st.ScrollbarSize = 12.0f;
st.ScrollbarRounding = 0.0f;
st.GrabMinSize = 5.0f;
st.GrabRounding = 0.0f;
st.TabRounding = 0.0f;
st.WindowBorderSize = 0.0f;
st.ChildRounding = 0.0f;
st.PopupRounding = 0.0f;
st.PopupBorderSize = 0.0f;
st.WindowMenuButtonPosition = ImGuiDir_None;
/* tab */
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Tab] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
/* title */
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4(0.07f, 0.07f, 0.09f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.83f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4(0.07f, 0.07f, 0.09f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.83f, 0.88f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4(0.92f, 0.91f, 0.88f, 0.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.83f, 0.31f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.83f, 0.31f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.83f, 0.31f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.09f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_Separator] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.05f, 0.07f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.39f, 0.38f, 0.63f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4(0.25f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.39f, 0.38f, 0.63f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4(0.25f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4(0.25f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.43f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.98f, 0.95f, 0.73f);
st.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4(0.13f, 0.12f, 0.15f, 1.00f);
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
namespace try_engine
class layer
using time = time::timestep<float>;
layer() = default;
virtual ~layer() = default;
layer(const layer&) = delete;
layer(layer&) = delete;
virtual void on_attach() {};
virtual void on_detach() {};
virtual void gui_render() {};
virtual void on_event(system_event::event&) {};
virtual void on_event(std::any, std::any) {};
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
headers = [
sources = [
lib = library(
include_directories : inc,
sources: [headers, sources],
dependencies : deps,
cpp_args: args
try_engine_dep = declare_dependency(
include_directories: inc,
link_with: lib,
deps += try_engine_dep
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#include "renderer.hpp"
namespace try_engine
void renderer::set_color(const glm::vec4& color)
glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
void renderer::clear()
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
renderer - некий объект отрисовки и разукраски всей сцены.
Т.е. в нем все компоненты, которые нужны для создания на сцене чего-либо:
шейдера, шейдерные программы, буфера вершин, вспомогательные функции установки цвета и его очистки и т.п.
Может использоваться в разных частях программы, где нужно что-то создать и отрисовать или перекрасить и удалить.
Относимся к этому, как к набору кисточек и ластиков при помощи которых что-то делаем на экране, рисуем или стираем.
namespace try_engine
class renderer
static void set_color(const glm::vec4&);
static void clear();
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#include "texture.hpp"
namespace try_engine
glDeleteTextures(1, &m_texture_id);
void texture::make()
if (!m_texture_id)
glGenTextures(1, &m_texture_id);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture_id);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
void texture::clear()
glDeleteTextures(1, &m_texture_id);
void texture::draw(ImVec2 pos, ImVec2 size)
// ImGui::Image(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(texture)), ImVec2(pos.x + 100, pos.y + 100));
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddImage(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(m_texture_id)), pos, size);
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine
class texture
texture() = default;
GLuint m_texture_id = 0;
template<typename Image>
void bind(Image& image)
// HERE наяинаем тут
// возможно эту штуку нужно делать сразу полсе make
// либо перенеси ее в make
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, image.cols, image.rows, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,;
void draw(ImVec2 pos, ImVec2 size);
void make();
void clear();
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "try_engine/gui/gui.hpp"
#include "try_engine/gui/style/style.hpp"
#include "try_engine/application/application.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/classificator.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/category/key_event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/category/window_event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/app_event/event.hpp"
#include "try_engine/renderer/renderer.hpp"
#include "try_engine/renderer/texture/texture.hpp"
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#define BIT(x)\
(1 << x)
#define EVENT_CLASS_TYPE_FN(type)\
virtual std::string get_name() const override { return type; }
#define BIND_EVENT_FN(app, x)\
std::bind(&app::x, this, std::placeholders::_1)
using time = try_engine::time::timestep<float>;\
using event_manager = try_engine::app_event::event;\
using system_event = try_engine::system_event::event;\
using win = try_engine::win
if (m_flags.m_no_titlebar) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar;\
if (m_flags.m_no_scrollbar) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar;\
if (!m_flags.m_no_menu) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar;\
if (m_flags.m_no_move) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove;\
if (m_flags.m_no_resize) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize;\
if (m_flags.m_no_collapse) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse;\
if (m_flags.m_no_nav) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav;\
if (m_flags.m_no_background) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground;\
if (m_flags.m_no_bring_to_front) m_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus
void set_event_manager(event_manager* in_event_manager)\
m_event_manager = in_event_manager;\
void on_attach() override;\
void on_detach() override;\
void gui_render() override;\
void on_event(system_event& e) override;\
void on_event(std::any type, std::any value) override
#define CONSTRUCT_IMPL(name)\
name() : try_engine::layer() { BASE_WINDOW_FLAGS(); };\
~name() = default
struct flags\
bool m_p_open = false;\
bool m_no_titlebar = true;\
bool m_no_scrollbar = true;\
bool m_no_menu = true;\
bool m_no_move = true;\
bool m_no_resize = true;\
bool m_no_collapse = true;\
bool m_no_nav = false;\
bool m_no_background = false;\
bool m_no_bring_to_front = false;\
bool m_no_docking = true;\
} m_flags;\
ImGuiWindowFlags m_window_flags = 0
#define BASE_IMPL(name)\
event_manager* m_event_manager;\
win m_win
#define BEGIN_IMGUI_WIN() if (!ImGui::Begin(m_win.m_name.c_str(), &m_flags.m_p_open, m_window_flags)) ImGui::End()
#define END_IMGUI_WIN() ImGui::End()
#define TR_PUSH_FONT(def_font, def_size)\
ImGui::PushFont(try_engine::style::fonts::get_font(try_engine::style::fonts::font_type::def_font, def_size))
#define TR_POP_FONT() ImGui::PopFont()
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <any>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
#include "glad.h"
#include "glm/glm.hpp"
#include "hack/logger/logger.hpp"
#include "imgui.h"
#include "imgui_impl_glfw.h"
#include "imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace try_engine::key
enum : uint16_t
// из glfw3.h
SPACE = 32,
APOSTROPHE = 39, /* ' */
COMMA = 44, /* , */
MINUS = 45, /* - */
PERIOD = 46, /* . */
SLASH = 47, /* / */
D0 = 48, /* 0 */
D1 = 49, /* 1 */
D2 = 50, /* 2 */
D3 = 51, /* 3 */
D4 = 52, /* 4 */
D5 = 53, /* 5 */
D6 = 54, /* 6 */
D7 = 55, /* 7 */
D8 = 56, /* 8 */
D9 = 57, /* 9 */
SEMICOLON = 59, /* ; */
EQUAL = 61, /* = */
A = 65,
B = 66,
C = 67,
D = 68,
E = 69,
F = 70,
G = 71,
H = 72,
I = 73,
J = 74,
K = 75,
L = 76,
M = 77,
N = 78,
O = 79,
P = 80,
Q = 81,
R = 82,
S = 83,
T = 84,
U = 85,
V = 86,
W = 87,
X = 88,
Y = 89,
Z = 90,
LEFTBRACKET = 91, /* [ */
BACKSLASH = 92, /* \ */
RIGHTBRACKET = 93, /* ] */
GRAVEACCENT = 96, /* ` */
WORLD1 = 161, /* non-US #1 */
WORLD2 = 162, /* non-US #2 */
ESCAPE = 256,
ENTER = 257,
TAB = 258,
INSERT = 260,
DELETE = 261,
RIGHT = 262,
LEFT = 263,
DOWN = 264,
UP = 265,
PAGEUP = 266,
HOME = 268,
END = 269,
NUMLOCK = 282,
PAUSE = 284,
F1 = 290,
F2 = 291,
F3 = 292,
F4 = 293,
F5 = 294,
F6 = 295,
F7 = 296,
F8 = 297,
F9 = 298,
F10 = 299,
F11 = 300,
F12 = 301,
F13 = 302,
F14 = 303,
F15 = 304,
F16 = 305,
F17 = 306,
F18 = 307,
F19 = 308,
F20 = 309,
F21 = 310,
F22 = 311,
F23 = 312,
F24 = 313,
F25 = 314,
LEFTALT = 342,
MENU = 348
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "using.hpp"
namespace try_engine::time
template<typename Time>
class timestep
timestep(Time data_ = 0.0f) : data { data_ } {}
operator Time() const { return data; }
Time get_seconds() const { return data; }
Time get_milliseconds() const { return data * 1000.0f; }
Time data;
namespace try_engine::time
inline timestep<float> get_time()
static float frame_time = 0.0f;
float t = (float)glfwGetTime();
timestep<float> ts = t - frame_time;
frame_time = t;
return ts;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "include.hpp"
namespace try_engine
template<typename Event>
using event_callback = std::function<void(Event&)>;
using JSON = nlohmann::json;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "keycode.hpp"
#include "define.hpp"
#include "time.hpp"
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#include "graphic_context.hpp"
namespace try_engine
graphic_context::graphic_context(GLFWwindow* w) : m_win { w } {}
void graphic_context::init()
int status = gladLoadGLLoader((GLADloadproc)glfwGetProcAddress);
hack::log(": ")("Glad loader status", status == 1 ? "true" : "false");
hack::log(": ")("OpenGL Info");
hack::log(": ")(" Vendor", glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
hack::log(": ")(" Renderer", glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
hack::log(": ")(" Version", glGetString(GL_VERSION));
hack::log(": ")(" GLSL Version", glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION));
void graphic_context::swap_buffers()
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
namespace try_engine
class graphic_context
GLFWwindow* m_win;
void init();
void swap_buffers();
@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
#include "window.hpp"
#include "renderer/renderer.hpp"
#include "event/system_event/category/key_event.hpp"
#include "event/system_event/category/window_event.hpp"
namespace try_engine
window::window(std::string app_name)
if (!glfwInit())
m_window_data.m_name = app_name;
hack::log(": ")("Creating window", m_window_data.m_name);
hack::log(" = ")("w", m_window_data.m_width);
hack::log(" = ")("h", m_window_data.m_height);
hack::warn(": ")("destroy", "window", m_window_data.m_name);
void window::set_hint()
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4);
void window::set_window()
m_win = glfwCreateWindow(
nullptr, nullptr
if(m_win == NULL)
hack::error()("Failed to create GLFW window");
glfwGetWindowSize(m_win, &m_window_data.m_width, &m_window_data.m_height);
void window::set_context()
m_graphic_context = std::make_unique<graphic_context>(m_win);
void window::set_pointer()
glfwSetWindowUserPointer(m_win, &m_window_data);
void window::set_event_callback(const event_callback<system_event::event>& cb)
m_window_data.on_callback = cb;
GLFWwindow* window::glfw_window() const
return m_win;
int window::width() const
return m_window_data.m_width;
int window::height() const
return m_window_data.m_height;
void window::update()
void window::clear() const
renderer::set_color({ 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1 });
void window::set_key_callback()
glfwSetKeyCallback(m_win, [](GLFWwindow* w, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
auto data = static_cast<window_data*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w));
switch (action)
system_event::key_pressed_event e { key };
system_event::key_released_event e { key };
system_event::key_pressed_event e { key };
// это нужнореализовать и в событиях
// там есть классы которые нужно разобрать и привести в порядок
// glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(win, [](GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
// {
// auto data = static_cast<window_data*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w));
// switch (action)
// {
// case GLFW_PRESS:
// {
// system_event::mouse_button_pressed_event e { button };
// data->callback(e);
// break;
// }
// {
// MouseButtonReleasedEvent event{button};
// data.EventCallback(event);
// break;
// }
// }
// });
// glfwSetScrollCallback(win, [](GLFWwindow* window, double xOffset, double yOffset)
// {
// WindowData& data = *(WindowData*)glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window);
// MouseScrolledEvent event{(float)xOffset, (float)yOffset};
// data.EventCallback(event);
// });
// glfwSetCursorPosCallback(win, [](GLFWwindow* window, double xPos, double yPos)
// {
// WindowData& data = *(WindowData*)glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window);
// MouseMovedEvent event{(float)xPos, (float)yPos};
// data.EventCallback(event);
// });
void window::set_window_callback()
glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(m_win, m_window_data.m_width, m_window_data.m_height, GLFW_DONT_CARE, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(m_win, [](GLFWwindow* w, int width, int height)
auto data = static_cast<window_data*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w));
data->m_width = width;
data->m_height = height;
system_event::window_resize_event e { width, height };
glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(m_win, [](GLFWwindow* w)
auto data = static_cast<window_data*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w));
system_event::window_close_event e;
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(m_win, [](GLFWwindow* w, int focused)
auto data = static_cast<window_data*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w));
system_event::window_focus_event e { focused };
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "try_engine/utils/utils.hpp"
#include "graphic_context/graphic_context.hpp"
#include "try_engine/event/system_event/event.hpp"
namespace try_engine
class window
// реализовать остальные конструкторы
// ни каких unique_ptr тут неполучится
// т.к. glfwCreateWindow maloc-ом выделяет память
// что не есть хорошо для умных указателей
GLFWwindow* m_win;
std::unique_ptr<graphic_context> m_graphic_context;
struct window_data
std::string m_name;
int m_width, m_height;
event_callback<system_event::event> on_callback;
} m_window_data;
void update();
GLFWwindow* glfw_window() const;
void clear() const ;
int width() const;
int height() const;
void set_event_callback(const event_callback<system_event::event>&);
void set_window_callback();
void set_hint();
void set_window();
void set_context();
void set_pointer();
void set_key_callback();
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# gtest_proj = subproject('gtest')
# gtest_dep = gtest_proj.get_variable('gtest_main_dep')
# test(
# 'hello',
# executable(
# 'hello',
# 'hello.cpp',
# dependencies: [ hello_dep, gtest_dep ]
# )
# )
@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ lib = library(
cpp_args: args
try_engine_dep = declare_dependency(
vertex_engine_dep = declare_dependency(
include_directories: inc,
link_with: lib,
deps += try_engine_dep
deps += vertex_engine_dep
Reference in New Issue
Block a user