#!/bin/sh # Select the right temperature file. # for temp_dir in /sys/class/hwmon/*; do [[ "$(< "${temp_dir}/name")" =~ (coretemp|fam15h_power|k10temp) ]] && { temp_dirs=("$temp_dir"/temp*_input) temp_dir=${temp_dirs[0]} break } done # Get CPU temp. # [[ -f "$temp_dir" ]] && deg="$(($(< "$temp_dir") * 100 / 10000))" # Add CPU temp to the output. # if [[ "$cpu_temp" != "off" && "$deg" ]]; then deg="${deg//.}" # Convert to Fahrenheit if enabled [[ "$cpu_temp" == "F" ]] && deg="$((deg * 90 / 50 + 320))" deg_no_format="${deg/${deg: -1}}" # Format the output deg="${deg/${deg: -1}}°${cpu_temp:-C}" fi # from 0°C to 40°C print ->  if [[ "$deg_no_format" -le 40 ]] then # the ' %{T3} ' -> pass font type to polybar config file # the selected font type is number 3, which is (font-3 = "Iosevka:style=bold:"size=12;3" ) echo "%{F#7DC5A0}%{T3} %{T2}$deg" # from 40°C to 60°C print ->  elif [[ "$deg_no_format" -le 60 ]] then echo "%{F#7DC5A0}%{T3} %{T2}$deg" # from 60°C to 85°C print ->  elif [[ "$deg_no_format" -le 85 ]] then echo "%{F#7DC5A0}%{T3} %{T2}$deg" # from 85°C to +... print ->  elif [[ "$deg_no_format" -gt 85 ]] then # the ' -n "%{F#FF0008}" ' -> red font as 85°C to +... is the default warn temperature echo -n "%{T3}%{F#FF0008} %{F#FF0008}%{T2}$deg" fi